The Top 10 Reasons Businesses Succeed


Only one of every 5 businesses makes it to its 5th year, and fewer still make it to 10 years. What do the successful businesses have in common? 1. The experience and skills of the top managers. Over half of business failures are directly related to managerial incompetence. 2. The […]

Top 10 Small Business Bookkeeping Tips


These small business bookkeeping tips will help you get your books up to date and keep them that way in less time. They’ll help you maintain financial control, and help you manage your working capital more effectively and securely. Before you contemplate recording any transactions in your ledgers, organize your […]

Best Business Ideas for Women In the Modern World


It’s no longer a man’s world out there. We live in a world where men and women alike rule the world; where women can be who and what they want to be without prejudice. According to the published report by the Catalyst, a non-profit membership association increasing opportunities for women […]

Business Ethics In America


In order to fully understand ethics and how they relate to business, one must first define its key components. Ethics can be broken down into three categories: social, organizational, and individual. Corporations are bound by social ethics which challenge them to hold accountable for their own actions its company officers, […]

Choosing Wealthy Clients For Your Cleaning Business


Most people who go into the house cleaning business target the average income earning individuals as their target market. However, there are some who target the upper class, higher income earning individuals as their target market because they find more cleaning business opportunities on these. Whichever it may be, it […]

How to Get Your Business Funded in 2018


Contrary to popular belief, business plans do not generate business financing. True, there are many kinds of financing options that require a business plan, but nobody invests in a business plan. Investors need a business plan as a document that communicates ideas and information, but they invest in a company, […]

3 Keys To Starting A Small Business


Since the majority of startup small businesses fail, how can you succeed? Before we answer this, who am I? I have set up and sold 4 small businesses over the last few years, all of which continue to be successful, so I know a few things about the subject. Now, […]

Local SEO Services to Promote Your Local Business


For the past few months, I was struggling to get my restaurant business in Denver, Colorado on the initial pages of Google Places, Yahoo Local and Bing. I finally found the perfect solution to all my difficulties – local SEO. I contacted a professional SEO company providing local SEO services. […]