Ladder Safety and Workers Comp Insurance: A Winning Duo


What would you classify as one of the main causes of accidents and loss of lie at the workplace?

If you guessed ladders, you are right

Accidents related to these items are associated with a steep uptick in pricey workers compensation insurance claims. They also are connected to the shrinking population of workers.

A recent United States Bureau of Labor Statistics study shows something sobering: in 2015, more than a hundred and fifty worker fatalities and more than twenty thousand injuries were related to ladder accidents.

Since 2015, related misuse is rated #7 in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s report about the top ten workplace infringements.

Wouldn’t you say it’s time to shine a spotlight on the importance of safe use?

In response to a resounding yes to that question, March has been chosen as the National Ladder-Safety month. Organizers urge business leaders and owners to spread the related safety tips.

How to Use Ladders Safely in the Workplace

• Do not utilize it for anything aside from functions it was intended for.
• Do not attempt to use a chair, a barrel or any other thing in place of it.
• Before using your ladder, inspect for loose or missing pieces, wood slivers, weathering, or any other shortcomings. If you find any of these, do not use it.
• Check if there is any electrical wiring or other obstructions before setting up your ladder for work.
• Ensure there is no debris, work tools or other stuff around the bottom feet before using it.
• Always put suitable barricades around it when using in hallways, driveways and any high-traffic areas.
• Secure door shut prior to working on it in a doorway.
• Stand your ladder on quarter of its length from the wall.
• Lean both sides of your extension ladder on the uppermost support and secure it.
• Make sure to keep it at least 3 feet above any spot you will be stepping onto from it.
• Set it up only on a stable, fixed foundation.
• Always secure the end of your extension ladder to inhibit slipping.
• Ask another worker to grab onto the sides to prevent slipping, especially in the case where there are no slip resistant functions on it.
• Do not work from any ladder placed on a box, cart, table, scaffold or any other object
• While in use, keep your extension ladder’s locks secured, and make sure your step ladder’s stretchers are extended and secured.

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