The other day, an acquaintance invited me to lunch at a nearby country club, as I drove into the facility, there was a sign by the big pond, which looks like a miniature lake, which said; “No Jet Skiing” – indeed, I got a big chuckle out of that, and I asked my acquaintance about it over lunch. He explained to me that some yahoos every year, and often put their jet skis in the pond and race around. They do it every year, and no one has ever said anything, except for a few older ladies who claim it is cruelty to animals as they are terrorizing the ducks on the golf course. If you knew this area, you’d understand what that’s all about.
The reason the sign went up, is someone had crashed a jet ski, after they got up to speed and tried to jump it onto the golf course while the grass was wet. They did this a number of times, and even posted videos on YouTube, which I later went to see because I thought it was actually kind of funny. Yes, it was hilarious, until I watched the last video, which went viral and has a million views now. A girl tried to do the same thing on a 1200 CC jet ski, and she caught edge of the side of the pond, and the jet ski flipped over and launched her head first at about 25 miles an hour onto the grass.
In the video she just laid there not moving, later she got up and stumbled around, sat down with all her friends standing around, and the ambulance took her away for a severe concussion, she’s lucky she didn’t break more bones or even kill herself. Obviously the security at the country club was told not to allow anyone to use a jet ski on the pond anymore, and blamed it on the ducks habitat and the wetlands, which I thought was comical.
Nevertheless, the country club’s insurance will not cover anyone who goes on a jet ski in their pond, and anyone who has watercraft insurance for their jet ski should already know that it is null and void if you’re not in a legitimate recreational area. And the country club is for golf not for jet skiing. Let this be a lesson to anyone who tries such foolish stunts, even on spring break, if you don’t have the insurance for your watercraft, you better be careful who you let ride on your jet ski. Indeed it is my sincere hope that you will please consider all this and think on it.