Business Podcast Marketing Case Study Proves Results


Business Podcast Marketing Case Study Shows How Podcasting Delivers Dramatic Results for Client. Podcasting has significant business marketing potential. If the business podcast strategy and online visibility plan is properly executed; podcasting has the potential to be a marketing tool that delivers great marketing results. The professional business marketers over […]

Negotiation Success is in the Planning


The drama and theatrics one sees during conflict and confrontations easily leads one to believe that negotiation success lies in persuasiveness, eloquence, and clever maneuvering. What good court room drama would be without these critical factors for entertainment? While these elements may be the enjoyable part for some negotiators, and […]

Earthquake Insurance in California


As the water began to drain from New Orleans in 2005, we learned that most of the homeowners in New Orleans did not have flood insurance, since they were supposedly in “low risk” areas. The over 60% of homeowners will need to depend upon their own savings, and limited federal […]

Why Is Accounting Important For the Students?


Accounting is a great field to study for various purposes. This field course offers you knowledge and skills that you can use in several industries. It is also one of the essential subjects for business management students. However, Most students do not take an interest in this subject because they […]

Putting Together Your Cleaning Business Portfolio


If you are already trying to put together your cleaning business portfolio, then this already means that you are really close to start operating your house cleaning business. What you put in your portfolio will be your client’s way of assessing your skills and expertise as a cleaner. So you […]

How To Start A Business With Absolutely No Experience


One popular belief is that you need tons of experience, expertise, and knowledge to start a business. The opposite is true. While it helps to go to school and learn the tricks of the trade, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot start a business because you do not […]