The 7 Principles of Business Integrity


If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters. — Alan K. Simpson If I were to ask you what attribute is the most influential in regard to the success of a business, would you know immediately which one is the most important? Based […]

R2B Sales Tips (Retail to Business Sales)


Retail to Business (R2B) has become a major buzz word in today’s corporate world. R2B simply means acquiring business customers from a Retail location, and, when stated that quickly it sounds very easy. Unfortunately, the truth is very few organizations seem able to provide their Retail staff with either the […]

7 Steps to Get A Business Loan


Before the hard strike of the Great Recession, it was a lot easier to get business loans. You have to meet certain requirements before the lender can grant you the loan. Given below are 7 steps that you may want to follow when apply for business loans. Read on. Develop […]

Under New Management


Today I passed a business with a sign prominently displaying the message: “under new management.” Whenever I see such a sign, I begin to wonder about its intended outcome. It seems to be reaching out to all who pass by to say, “we’ve changed… come in and try us again, […]

5 Reasons to Be in the Restaurant Business


Restaurants can be found in almost everywhere that you may go and this is proof that this kind of business is really good. Every once in while, someone makes a decision to open up a restaurant for whatever reasons he/she has. There are evidently many reasons why people choose to […]

Business Podcast Marketing Case Study Proves Results


Business Podcast Marketing Case Study Shows How Podcasting Delivers Dramatic Results for Client. Podcasting has significant business marketing potential. If the business podcast strategy and online visibility plan is properly executed; podcasting has the potential to be a marketing tool that delivers great marketing results. The professional business marketers over […]

Putting Together Your Cleaning Business Portfolio


If you are already trying to put together your cleaning business portfolio, then this already means that you are really close to start operating your house cleaning business. What you put in your portfolio will be your client’s way of assessing your skills and expertise as a cleaner. So you […]

How To Start A Business With Absolutely No Experience


One popular belief is that you need tons of experience, expertise, and knowledge to start a business. The opposite is true. While it helps to go to school and learn the tricks of the trade, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot start a business because you do not […]