Networking Blues – Which Organizations Should I Join?


A good portion of networking is aligning yourself to the right groups and organizations. Although it is ideal to choose more notable and credible associations such as chambers of commerce, business leagues, social clubs, it can be a challenge selecting the best ones. We can not be members of every group, but we can pick groups that are the most beneficial and line up with our objectives and values.

Listed below are tips for choosing the best networking or business groups for continued success.

Search Committee

Attend different groups and get feedback from their members before joining. Create a check list of qualities which you value in the organization and its members. Visit their website and read their mission or vision. Apprise yourself on their sponsors, partners and affiliates. Use these criteria to determine if they are a right match for you.

Word on the Street

Besides getting feedback from actual members and associates of the club, reach out to individuals outside of those networks. Find out how their brand and image appear within their industry, among their colleagues, peers and even with their competitors. This is a great way to learn about the integrity, consistency and value of the organizations.

Road Less Traveled

Upon deciding which groups to join, consider different factors before making a choice. Perhaps, you want to join a group to sharpen your communication skills and diversify your networks. Or, you want to join a group to gain referrals and leads for expanding your business endeavors. Other times, you may consider joining a group because you like their members and it is more of a social benefit.

Hopefully, these tips can put you in the right direction to reaching your intended goals. Being open minded, clear and direct in your approach is also helpful in the process.

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